Friday, July 31, 2009

back to basics

I visited a naturopath last night, I thought it might be worth speaking to someone to see why i'm so prone to the cold and why i'm tired. Using iridology, my naturopath said I have a lymphatic constitution - where dairy products are lowering my immunity and my digestive system isn't extracting nutrients from my food effectively.
She also suggested that my ongoing sore throats could be something to do with not communicating what I need to.

After further research today I found this: "A lymphatic, or mucous constitution, may be recognized by the light complexion, the frame full and rounded, but the flesh soft and flaccid, and the muscular fibre yielding and relaxed. The circulation is sluggish, the pulse slow, the generation of heat deficient, and there is also a sensitiveness to cold. The patient is subject to slow and sluggish affections, to catarrhal diseases, abscesses, accumulations of water about various organs. Acute diseases are also liable to assume a chronic form and run a slow and tedious course." Link

I walked out of there thinking I have things less 'together' than i did when i walked in. And I wondered if I want to start this? I feel I look after myself better now - I take baths, love cooking, love my weekend job, have lots of friends, take time out for me, enjoy my walks and rides, buy myself nice things and flowers.
In fact lately several friends have said things like 'I really admire your decision to rethink your career and find a job that fits your priorities' (Andrea) 'I've always thought you seem to pick different jobs but it's like they will all serve a purpose sometime in the future' (Allison). I don't work long hours, my boss does recognise when I've done good work, she just has a short temper sometimes and I sometimes feel I am talked to like a daughter - belittled.
I even thought I had a less stressful job - but this seems to be it again. I recall back when I was getting acupuncture for my back 4 years ago - I was having troubles with work then too. Well as I learned - life sends us the same lesson over and over in different forms until we learn it - not until then can we move on.

Maybe I need to buy some more nice things - I'd buy this cool denim skirt from Witchery

Or maybe their jersey wrap skirt

And definitely these Clara Tubular Flats from Country Road

... and I'd find some of those soft, comfy looking tshirts Marion Cotillard wore in A Good Year


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