Monday, August 30, 2010

What do you do for fun?

And how much fun do you fit in every day? I think this question can really help put our busy lives into perspective, it's a really good one to ask yourself when you're feeling overwhelmed. So often we're exhausted after just getting all our daily jobs out of the way that we don't have any time or energy to give back to ourselves. We could fall into the dreaded trap of Up - Work - home - dinner - bed - Up ....

For fun I garden, cook, sew, catch up with friends, read for pleasure, ride my bicycle, research my latest interest (right now it's all about sustainable living) and I'd like to think I get to do at least one of these things every day - but if I don't make the time, it won't happen.

Yes, we all have the power to make time.

Working 6 days a week means that any 'spare' time is very precious to me, and I've noticed just how refreshed I feel after doing something that I was really looking forward to - just for me.

The trick is to remember why you enjoy doing these things - because I enjoy cooking I won't allow it to become a mundane job - I'll give it just as much importance as any other commitment by making sure I allow enough time to enjoy the experience. I don't look forward to or enjoy my ride to work when I know I'm running late, but I do enjoy it when I'm zooming around without a clock ticking. So if I don't prepare well I won't be able to make the most of these activities. If you have a problem getting started - it might be helpful to remember how you feel while you're doing it and when you've finished. All this becomes easier with priorities and good time management. Things I continue to work on.

As spring approaches and the social calendar starts to fill up, I'll be prioritising my own wellbeing at the top of my list, it's not selfish - I'm no good to others if I haven't looked after myself first.

All last week I looked forward to the sunshine that was promised for Sunday - hoping to spend the afternoon outside just soaking it up. Under grey skies I still managed a quick ride to the shops but it was then perfect weather to spend all afternoon and evening in the kitchen and I didn't feel slighted in the least!

Lately I've really enjoyed preparing lots of meals in advance - I just love looking at a freezer and fridge full of delicious, healthy meals, it means there's more time to spend on ourselves during the week. Following from last week's successive meal planning (the chicken stock worked a treat in Friday's risotto by the way!) yesterday we made:

Basil Pesto
Tomato, Eggplant and Olive pasta sauce
Pea & Ham Soup

I think all the pasta will be gone after tonight's family dinner, there's 9 of us so it will be a good opportunity to see just how far 1kg flour and 9 eggs really goes! I'm looking forward to opening a bottle of Sisley Estate Merlot to share!

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