Wednesday, September 22, 2010

On the bandwagon...

My darling husband has also caught the green bug. Maybe it's been my obsessive recycling and avoidance of plastic bags. Perhaps it was my relentless search for the most local of each product on the shopping list? Nah - he was pretty green to begin with.

Together we've watched An Inconvenient Truth (though I think it's time for a refresher) and the Story of Stuff. Last week he suprised me with a copy of Food Inc. This was one I'd been busting to see but none of the libraries had it and I didn't know where else to look. It just blew me away - and needless to say I'll have to watch it again before providing any comments as I was cursing alot so I missed half of it. All I can say is - why don't they show a double feature of this and An Inconvenient Truth in every school in Australia? Stay tuned for my thoughts on Food Inc.

And another suprise - while I was investigating the Green Power through our electricity supplier TRUenergy, Travis was taking a bigger step by speaking to one of his colleagues about the suitability of our house for solar panels. And it's looking good folks! We're planning to rent our place out when we expand in a few years time so it's important to understand that not only will we benefit from the switch now - but from next year not only will all properties for sale require a minimum energy rating, but so will the rentals.

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